Mark's TMS Success Story



Mark from Alabama had the Symptom Imperative and was hit by different symptoms throughout his adult life. He would have back pain that would turn into allergies that would turn into tinnitus. He would invariably “throw his back out” when something difficult or stressful was about to happen.


He categorizes his former self as being “partially disabled” because of all his symptoms. Like all of us, Mark tried everything - including heating pads, a chiropractor, allergy shots, epidural shots, pain killers, hot showers, and neti pots. This went on for 20 years.


Mark says that: “Doctors had been disappointing me my whole life.”


Then he found Dr. Sarno and our Sarno 3.0 Master Class. Now all of his symptoms are completely gone. And he has confidence that they will never come back.

And to get started on YOUR recovery: Click Here

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Allan's TMS Success Story


Sometimes it can seem impossible. But it never is. There's always a way. Watch Allan's story of overcoming chronic back pain (and digestive issues). Conditions that he had suffered with his entire adult life. He changed his belief, ditched his fear, moved his body, and beat the pain. If Allan can do it, YOU can do it. WATCH. 

To learn more and get started on YOUR recovery: Click Here

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